![Cover image of the Video Mappging in Lille project, depicting the old stock's exchange from above, with the names of the 'Acéphale' and 'Cosa Mentale' collectives](../../assets/images/pages/videomapping/pagetitle_videomapping.webp)
// Video Mapping Festival - Lille
// Interactive video mapping
I took part to the creation of this 360° interactive video mapping as a member of
Acéphale collective.
in February 2016.
This interactive piece has been shown during the opening night of the 2019s edition of the
Video Mapping Festival
, in the courtyard of Lille's old Stock Exchange.
>> Interactivity and visual design
>> Programming
During the show, a white line cycle around the walls of the building and react to the architectural elements like notes on a music score.
In contact with these elements, the white line generates procedural visuals and sounds surrounding the audience in the heart of this space.
![Inside Lille's old stock exchange, a crowd is gathering during a video mapping festival](../../assets/images/pages/videomapping/sshot_videomapping-01.webp)
![Inside Lille's old stock exchange, a crowd is gathering during a video mapping festival](../../assets/images/pages/videomapping/sshot_videomapping-02.webp)
In the middle of the yard, a controller is set to allow participants to modify how visuals and sounds are generated.
Therefore they are allowed to directly interact with the monument as the performer of that video mapping.